7 Innovative Ways SEO Can Transform Your Online Business

SEO can significantly transform your online business by increasing your website visibility in search engines, driving more traffic to your site, and converting more website visitors to your customers. SEO drastically increases the quality of the user experience on your website, builds brand awareness, and produces trust in your brand. Including SEO in your marketing strategy is crucial, and it will significantly impact your online business.

1. A Responsive Design for a Pleasant Journey on Your Website

Not that all of your website visitors become your customers, and not all users are going to take it to the checkout page, but by delivering a pleasant user experience, you increase the chances of making more sales and improving your online rankings. Google is the first place most users visit to search for products and information, and the last thing it wants is frustrated users abandoning websites and digging through hundreds of pages. Google algorithm consists of numerous factors related to user experience. A better user experience increases the chances of users becoming your customers and your website appearing at the top of relevant results.

You run an online business, and the inability to interact with the site is like bringing users to a store with the door closed. If your website visitors cannot have a pleasant journey on your website, it means you are losing customers; your revenue decreases, so you can’t grow your business.

51,92% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, and more than half of shoppers in our country buy products from mobile devices. So it’s not surprising SEO aims to make your website mobile-friendly.

“If not mobile-friendly, a site can be difficult to view and use on a mobile device. A non-mobile-friendly site requires users to pinch or zoom in order to read the content. Users find this a frustrating experience and are likely to abandon the site.” – Google

The best way to provide a pleasant user experience is by creating a responsive web design that will adjust, based on the device used for a site visit. 94% of users may mistrust a website because of its design, so it’s crucial that the elements of your site load properly in users’ browsers, regardless of the device they use. With responsive web design, you don’t need to create separate versions of your site for mobile devices. That way, you also eliminate the chance of visitors finding different content when they open your page from different devices. Google suggests using a responsive design for creating a mobile-friendly site, which will have more chances to rank well in relevant search queries.

While you may have a responsive design that adapts to devices, your site may still take a long time to load. Page Speed is another factor to consider when improving user experience on the site. Luckily, Google has a wonderful free tool, PageSpeed Insights, you can use to see if slow loading times occur on the site and recommendations on fixing them.

2. SEO for Bringing Voice Shoppers to Your Site

More and more of your potential customers speak to their voice devices to find information and products online. With Search Engine Optimization, you enable your business to appear in more voice search queries, which will increase your business sales and revenue. As a part of voice search optimization, you will target long-tail keywords, make your site mobile-friendly, and create high-quality content. It’s the freshest shopping trend, which is estimated to reach $40 Billion in the U.S. by 2022. While it’s challenging to say voice shopping is the future of eCommerce, you should consider that some of your customers will ask their voice assistants to look for the products they need. Although voice shopping is in its early stage of development and there are many issues connected to it (such as less visual representation or voice recognition issues), it’s still important to target voice shoppers. Some users may ask Siri, “Where can I find women’s clothes online?” not to tell the voice assistant to choose the t-shirt for them, but to provide them with a list of eCommerce websites.

To target voice searchers, you will need to implement more long-tail and conversational keywords in your content. People may type “t-shirt black workout,” but it’s unlikely that someone will say these random phrases out loud. They may instead say “where can I buy a black workout t-shirt online?” Most voice search queries are in the form of questions, so it’s best if you include them in your content. Aim to ask questions and answer them in the content you have on your site, so you target the keywords, and have answers for your potential clients’ questions.

3. Get More Backlinks with the SEO Steps You Take

Internet users, as well as website owners, love sharing and recommending resources across the internet. The more backlinks you have (other sites linking to your pages), the more trustworthy you seem for Google as well as for internet users. Backlinks increase your positions in search results and improve your business reputation.

Create content worthy of getting links that is informative, relevant, and well-written. Blog articles that answer how-to questions may be a great way to begin. “How to brush the curly hair,” “how to moisturize your face,” “how to exfoliate your skin,” etc. Think of what questions you can answer that is related to your business and the products you sell.

The articles’ length depends on the topic, but studies show that articles containing 1760 words perform better on Google, and if a piece of content has more than 1000 words, it has more chances to rank well in queries.

Don’t forget to share your content to your social media profiles and increase your blog exposure.

4. Skyscraper Content

The competition for ranking well in search engines is fierce, and getting more backlinks might be a difficult task to accomplish. Skyscraper content is a link-building technique you can use to earn more backlinks from other sites. You can search for topics related to your business and see what articles have top positions on Google and backlinks from other sites.

Then you create a much better, up-to-date, informative, and maybe even longer post than the first article in the query. You look at the competitor’s article and add everything that is missing from the post.

The final step is to reach out to the websites that link to the article you selected for implementing the skyscraper technique.

To see which sites link to the page, you can use tools such as free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs.

You can send out emails and let the websites know you saw them linking to the piece of content, and you have something better to offer. There is no guarantee they will open the email, read your article, or replace the link with the one to your blog post, but it’s worth giving a shot. In the end, you have a great piece of content that is relevant to your business, so why not?

5. Create Images for Your Blog Posts for Generating More Backlinks

If you create infographics for your blog posts, other websites may want to include these in their blog articles and decide to link to your page and it will help boost your rankings. Your readers will also love visual illustrations of the ideas in your articles, as 65% of people are visual learners. Graphics will be a great addition to your compelling blog and should be part of your SEO strategy.

6. Go Social So You Get to Know Your Customers Better and Increase Exposure to Your content.

Social signals aren’t direct ranking factors for Google, but going social can be an excellent way to get to know your audience and grow your business. Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, tweets, or posts you share online can help get more customers to your site and build brand awareness. Social channels also help you start conversations with customers and learn about their needs, preferences, styles, tastes, or things they are looking for while shopping online. Social profiles can also have an indirect impact on your online rankings, as the more exposure you have online and more content you share on your social media, the more users will see your content and may want to link to your site.

7. Create Videos to Boost Your Rankings

Text and images are essential, but videos may help your online business generate more traffic and make your overall SEO strategy more effective. Videos can also bring you more backlinks from other websites. People love visuals, and your videos will make many visitors stay longer on your site. As the famous proverb states: It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times. Watching a video may significantly impact users’ decisions to stay on the site and explore your business.

To use the power of videos, you don’t need to build a multi-camera studio or hire a film crew, but make simple videos that answer your customers’ questions and are beneficial to your website visitors. You can use different video platforms such as YouTube to upload videos, but the best way to get backlinks to your site is to upload videos directly on your web page. For doing so, you will need to integrate a video player on the web page. Uploading videos to YouTube is a way simpler process and may also work well for your SEO, especially since, in some queries, Google chooses YouTube videos as the best answer. According to Moz, posts that feature videos will attract almost three times more backlinks than a plain text post.

SEO Can Increase Sales for Your Business

An online business needs online visibility, so people are looking at your products. When optimizing your site, you don’t only make adjustments to the website, but you learn how customers start their shopping experience online. You choose and target the keywords that bring the most traffic. SEO helps you appear in more of your customers’ search queries and deliver a better user experience for visitors on your site. It also helps build trustworthiness and increases your business’s reputation – all of which increases sales of your products. We hope the ways above will help you strengthen your SEO strategy and make it more effective so you can reach more potential customers and increase the revenue of your business.

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