SEO Common Mistakes

5 Biggest Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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By now any online research will tell you that a good online presence must include Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is the secret to increasing the exposure of your website and drawing in organic traffic. However, if you’re new to the game, navigating the intricate realm of SEO might be difficult. Even seasoned marketers occasionally make typical SEO errors that can harm their online visibility and performance.

 In this article by the experts at Internet Marketing Geeks (IMG), we’ll go through five of these common SEO mistakes and demonstrate how to completely prevent them- helping you increase your SEO performance and ultimately working to drive growth and traffic to your website!

Keyword Stuffing

We’ve all somehow been guilty of this in the past. It is common knowledge by now that you might be damaging to your SEO to artificially stuff your content with keywords. Long gone are the days of blackhat SEO where you could hide text on a page in white in hope that no one will be able to see it! Keyword stuffing is frowned upon by search engines and has a negative impact on user experience. If you are targeting a location based service, it is not important to mention the keyword + geographical location 10 times on the page!

How to Avoid It: Focus on giving your readers useful information while seamlessly incorporating keywords into your text. Strive to strike a balance between readability and optimization. You may also find it very useful to use tools such as Rank Math or Yoast SEO which uses AI to help ensure you are using a keyword the correct number of times without overdoing it- avoiding a potential penalization of your website! Also remember to keep in mind that Google wants users to be able to find what they’re looking for with ease so the content you provide should be cohesive and flow well with the general information they are seeking!

Overlooking the Influence of High-Quality Backlinks

For SEO, backlinks from reliable and pertinent websites are crucial. It can be difficult for your site to rank well if you ignore link building or concentrate on low-quality links.

What exactly are backlinks? They are links that simply point users to another website- on layman terms it is just a connection between two web pages on separate domains. These links are important for search engine optimization (SEO) and are one of the key elements in assessing the authority and positioning of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to Avoid It: What you will want to do is invest in a strong link-building strategy that concentrates on obtaining high-quality backlinks through outreach, guest posting, and content marketing. Always prioritize quality above quantity- and you may use a number of platforms to obtain backlinks or blog posts from domains that are willing to share their link juice! As another note is that you want to ensure that the links you are obtaining have a Domain Rating (DR) and Domain Authority (DA) which is higher than yours to see any effect- You may use tools such as Ahrefs or Semrush to get this information about a potential partner!

Ignoring Page Speed

SEO Page Speed

Website speed is very important to Google! It makes sense when you think about how users get frustrated with slow-loading pages, which increases bounce rates. Because speedier websites are prioritized by search engines as well, skipping page speed optimization can hurt your SEO efforts.

How to Avoid It- To find the problems that are slowing down your site, use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights. To speed up loading, enhance images, enable browser caching, and reduce HTTP requests. As your website and business grow, it is only natural that your content quality and quantity will increase; this is why using tools like GT Metrix will help immensely in helping track the performance!

Ignoring User Experience (UX)

In addition to page speed, user experience (UX) is also a significant factor in SEO when it comes to website development . If users have a negative experience on your site, they’re more likely to leave quickly, leading to higher bounce rates, which you see when page speed drops.

How to Avoid It– Be sure to prioritize the user experience by making sure that customers have access to clear navigation, intuitive design, and easy-to-find information. Make your site user-friendly and engaging. This also means you have a proper Call to Action (CTA) where potential customers can put in their information with ease; leading to a higher probability of you converting on that customer.

Lack of Patience 

This is probably the biggest SEO mistake we see today! SEO is a long-term game, and results do not happen overnight. Many people make the mistake of expecting immediate results and may prematurely change their strategies. We recommend revisiting those strategies after 3-4 months and making any tweaks as needed.

How to Avoid It– Understand that SEO takes time to yield significant results. Be patient, consistent, and committed to your SEO efforts. Monitor progress regularly using tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Ahrefs; but avoid making hasty decisions based on short-term results.

Ultimately, avoiding these common SEO mistakes is crucial for improving your website’s search engine rankings and online performance- staying updated with the latest best practices and algorithms is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Prioritizing user experience, quality content, and a well-rounded SEO strategy can lead to better visibility, increased organic traffic, and long-term success. 

As always we ask you to contact Internet Marketing Geeks for any questions or help regarding your digital marketing needs and we will be very happy to help you increase your online presence and spur your business growth!

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