people searching

Why should you target long tail keywords?

This is a common question we get from many new clients. To keep it simple, long tail keywords are more specific and easier to rank for than shorter keywords – and they are referred to as “low hanging fruit”. 

When we set a strategy, we don’t just target long tail keywords but also shorter, more common keywords as well. This mix allows us to generate traffic faster for you while still going after the more common and competitive keywords that have higher traffic.

Understanding how people search

target long tail keywords

It’s important to first learn and understand the methodology of how people search for what they want.

Initially, the process of searching online starts broadly and then becomes more specific as the user refines their search. This is commonly known as the “search funnel” approach. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Let’s imagine your neighbor, Alex, wants to adopt a dog but isn’t sure what breed would be best for his apartment living situation.

  1. Broad Search: Alex might start with a simple, broad search term like “dogs.” This search would yield a massive amount of information about dogs in general.
  2. Refined Search: Realizing that the results are too broad, Alex decides to refine his search. He types “best dogs for apartments” into the search engine. This time, the search results are more relevant, providing lists and articles about dog breeds suitable for apartment living.
  3. More Specific Search: After reading some articles, Alex finds out that French Bulldogs are often recommended for apartment dwellers. Wanting to learn more about the breed, he searches “French Bulldog characteristics.”
  4. Detailed Search: Finally, satisfied that a French Bulldog would be a good fit, Alex wants to find one to adopt. He types “French Bulldog Rescue Near Me” to find local adoption centers or rescue groups that have French Bulldogs available.

This example illustrates how your future customers or clients might start with a broad one-word search and gradually refine their search terms to become more specific based on the information they discover along the way. It’s important to note that not all search journeys are linear or follow this exact pattern, but this gives you a general idea of how people use search engines to find the service or product they want.

The benefits of long tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and less common than other types of keywords. They’re highly valuable for businesses that know how to use them. Here are some reasons why you should target them:

  1. Less Competition: Because they are very specific, long-tail keywords are less competitive than general keywords. This means it’s easier to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and get your content in front of the right audience.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: People who search using long-tail keywords often know exactly what they’re looking for. If your product or service matches that description, they’re more likely to convert into customers.
  3. Better for Voice Search: As voice search becomes more popular, people are using more natural language queries that tend to be longer. Long-tail keywords fit this trend perfectly.
  4. Content Strategy Development: Long-tail keywords can help you discover topics for your content strategy that directly answer your audience’s questions.

Remember, the key to a successful SEO strategy is a mix of both short-tail and long-tail keywords. It’s not about choosing one over the other, but rather understanding the benefits of each and using them strategically within your overall marketing approach.

So what exactly are short-tail keywords? Let’s dive into what they are and how we can use them next!

Targeting short tail keywords

Google search

Short-tail keywords, also known as “head terms,” are broad, general keywords that often consist of one or two words. While they can be highly competitive due to their generic nature, there are several reasons why your business should still consider targeting them:

  1. High Search Volume: Short-tail keywords usually have a high search volume because they are less specific and cover a wide range of topics. This means that if you manage to rank for these keywords, your website could potentially attract a large amount of traffic.
  2. Brand Visibility: Ranking for short-tail keywords can enhance your brand’s visibility and credibility. When users see your website ranking highly for these popular terms, it can improve their perception of your brand.
  3. Relevance to a Wide Audience: Short-tail keywords are typically relevant to a wider audience. This broad appeal can help you reach more people, even those who may not yet be familiar with your specific products or services.
  4. Stepping Stone to Long-Tail Keywords: By incorporating short-tail keywords into your SEO strategy, you can also discover related long-tail keywords. These longer, more specific keywords can help you target niche audiences and achieve higher conversion rates.
  5. Competitive Analysis: Short-tail keywords can help you understand your competition better. By analyzing which short-tail keywords your competitors are targeting, you can gain insights into their marketing strategy and identify potential opportunities for your own business.

While short-tail keywords have their benefits, keep in mind that they are often highly competitive and may not always deliver the most targeted traffic. A balanced SEO strategy should include a mix of both short-tail and long-tail keywords.

As important as it is to target the correct long and short tail keywords, it is also vital to note that results don’t happen overnight and may require some patience. Let’s dive into this below!

How long does it take to rank?

The time it takes for a web page to rank in search engines can vary widely and depend on many factors. These include the competitiveness of the keyword, the quality of your content, the authority of your website, your SEO efforts, and the algorithms of the search engine itself.

  1. Short-Tail Keywords: Short-tail keywords are usually more competitive because they’re broad and many websites might be trying to rank for them. It can take several months to a year (or even longer) to rank for highly competitive short-tail keywords. However, a well-established website with high authority and quality content might be able to achieve this quicker.
  2. Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are typically less competitive, so it’s generally easier and faster to rank for them. It might take a few weeks to a few months to rank for long-tail keywords, especially if your content is highly relevant and your website is well-optimized.

These timelines are just estimates and can vary greatly. SEO is a long-term strategy, and it often takes time to see results. The key is to consistently produce high-quality, relevant content and follow SEO best practices, as search engines are always looking to provide readers with the most relevant content that answers any and all questions they may have.

Also, remember that ranking is not the only measure of success. Even if you rank well, it’s important to ensure that your content aligns with your business goals.

If you are doing this and making sure your pages are constantly being indexed or read by search engines, you can rest assured that you are on your way to growing your online presence!

At Internet Marketing Geeks, we are an agency dedicated to helping businesses increase their online visibility and achieve higher rankings in search engines. With our deep understanding of search engine algorithms, we employ cutting-edge strategies and proven techniques to optimize your website, improve its relevance, and enhance its authority. Whether you’re targeting short-tail or long-tail keywords, our team of experts can craft a tailored SEO strategy that aligns with your business goals. From content creation and link building to technical SEO and local search optimization, we have the expertise and resources to help your website climb the search engine ranks and attract more organic traffic. Let us transform your online presence and propel your business to new heights of success.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help foster your online presence, or feel free to check out how we’ve helped previous clients on our testimonials page.

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